I have never liked housework. Now that I deal with fibromyalgia, dysautonomia, and arthritis, I’m less able to do it. It still needs to get done though, so here are some of my thoughts and tips to get the most done with the least effort.
Work out what your bare minimum is.
What do you have to have done for you to feel you are not living in filth? For us, that includes vacuuming, sweeping the kitchen floor, doing at least one load in the dishwasher, and a load of laundry. Remember, I have four kids, three dogs, and a cat. (We have 3 cats, but two stay downstairs with my mom.) Your list might look very different.
Add in extras when you have extra energy for it.
This might include dusting, washing windows, vacuuming the edges, mopping, cleaning the bathroom, etc. Everything will eventually get done, and you don’t have to wear yourself out in the process.
Now for some specifics.
- Don’t worry about using dusting spray. Grab some Swiffer cloths or microfiber rags and go to it.
- I only clean the outside windows maybe twice a year. Usually I stick to just the insides.
- Using a cotton dish towel and non-streaking window cleaner will give you quick results on your windows and mirrors.
- We don’t actually mop. I sit on the floor with either Clorox wipes or some spray cleaner and a rag and clean up any obvious spots.
- We keep rags under my sink in the bathroom. I also keep doubles of many of my cleaners. That way, if I find myself suddenly thinking an area needs cleaning, I can spot clean easily without tracking down the supplies.
- All cotton socks with holes in them become rags. We wash them, but if they are needed for a really gross job, it is no biggie to toss them.
Finally, if you have kids, put them to work. It is an important life lesson for them to know how to care for a household. Believe me, it is no good for them to move out and have no idea what actually goes into taking care of a house. Here is a good example of what kids are capable of doing. I found this chart on Pinterest. There are many other versions available too.
Do you have any tips or tricks for making housework easier? Please share below or email me at leighbryant@flawedmessylife.com if you would rather. You can also find my links to Instagram and Twitter on the side bar.
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