So what’s behind that name?
Glad you asked!
When I decided to write a blog, I wanted to make it as authentic as possible. I am far from perfect in my life, and I find a lot of comfort in seeing that other people have similar struggles. I’m not the only one to have unwashed dishes, piled up laundry, and fighting kids.
As much as I would like to be, I’m not an organized person. I’m not a great housekeeper. I’m not an endlessly patient parent. I am flawed. We all are, and it is a relief to see that reflected in others.
And, although it would be nice for our lives to go smoothly and according to plan, that rarely happens. Hell, I find it hard to even have a life plan. I’ve tried since high school, and recently is the first time I’ve felt like I had much of an idea of what I wanted to do with myself.
So, we are all flawed people, living a messy life. See what I did there? *smile*
And, yeah, I’m aware of my acronym. 😉 It’s one of the reasons I went with this name. My 17 year old and my husband both encouraged me. lol
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